SCECC family! We are thankful for you! Enjoy this cute little song as a family, and know that you are at the top of our list!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
Good Morning SCECC family! Remember that tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25th, is the beginning of Thanksgiving Break! We'll see you on Monday, November 30th. Enjoy your time with family and friends! We wish you well!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
Important Announcement
Hey SCECC family! With the District going to Tier 2 next week, here is how it will effect preschool: 1. We will need to use separate entrances for drop off and pick up. Purple room will use the Southeast door. (Please park on 14th and use the back gate). Red room will continue to use front door for pick up and drop off at 7:40am and 12:15pm. Yellow room will continue to use front door for pick up and drop off at 7:50am and 2:55pm. Blue room will use the Southwest door (the door you currently use for pick up) for pick up and drop off. 2.There will be no bussing in the afternoon. You will need to make arrangements to pick them up. 3.All students and staff will mask. Please contact the school or your classroom teacher if you have any questions! These are challenging times, but we are working together to get through this! #golittlecowboys
about 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
Hey SCECC Family! Tonight is our Pajama Party on Zoom at 5:30pm! We're sending your packets home today in backpacks. All the supplies for tonight are in the packet and the Zoom link and instructions! Can't wait to see you!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
Pajama Nite on Zoom!
Today is World Teacher Day! A shout out to all of our Teachers here at SCECC! I might be biased, but I think we have the best!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
A shout out to all the Dad's of our preschool family! You have a tough job! Thought this little article might encourage you a little! #GoDads #fatheringmatters #golittlecowboys
over 4 years ago, Lisa Dewees
At it again today doing what is best for Goodland kids!!
over 4 years ago, Marty Lehman
Goodland High School graduation will be held on Friday, June 19th, with the time and location (Football Field or MAX) to be determined pending State guidelines and protocols. If graduation can not be held on June 19th, then Plan B will be for Friday, July 17th. We will send out more information as we get closer.
over 4 years ago, Goodland-352
An image of two graduates standing beside the numbers 2020.