Covid Updates

Date:               September 9, 2020

RE:                  TIER II Structure

From:              Bill Biermann, Superintendent USD 352 - Goodland

The purpose of this letter is to communicate the plan if a Tier II-Hybrid schedule is implemented.  USD 352 would move to a Tier II-Hybrid education environment should there be a rising number of positive COVID-19 cases in our school community and with consultation from the Sherman County Health Department, Northwest Kansas Emergency Management, and our district's COVID response team.

As outlined in our reopening document, linked here, our goal is to provide on-site instruction to approximately 50% of our students at one time by limiting the number of students in buildings and classrooms.  Students will come to school for half of the day and continue to have assignments and work to complete for the other half of the day.  At times, students may also be required to attend school through a remote learning environment, via Zoom, or some other method during their off-site time.

The district has decided to divide the two sessions as follows:

  • Students with a last name beginning with A-K will attend the morning session. Group A
  • Students with a last name beginning with L-Z will attend the afternoon session.  Group B
  • All country bus students, regardless of the last name, will attend the morning session.  Group A
  • Our goal is to keep families on the same schedule, so if you have a split family with students of different last names on opposite schedules give us a call and we can make adjustments.

The schedule for the buildings will be:

Group A

Group B

Goodland Jr./Sr. High School



North Elementary



West Elementary



We will continue to offer grab and go breakfast for our students in the morning as well as lunch for both groups.  Group A will be offered lunch after their session is over and Group B will be offered lunch upon arrival to schools.  A complete lunch schedule will be shared from your student’s school.

As always, please feel free to reach out and visit with me or the building principals for clarification, questions, or concerns.  

Full URL for document referenced above:
